Starting 2024 with a solid plan
Bringing physicians together to stand up for the sacred patient-physician relationship
January 2024
Dear Medicine Forward Community,
As we kick off 2024, we’d like to share some updates and ask for your engagement along the way.
Medicine Forward leadership structure and process have been defined.
We have further developed our structure and have implemented a decision-making process to ensure Medicine Forward voices are integrated into prioritization and implementation. Thank you to Dawn Ellison, MD for her support and coaching.
Thank you to Kim Downey and Jeff Cohn, MD for serving as Community Ambassadors. Kim is leading efforts to welcome all new members and Jeff is hosting bi-weekly Community meetings. Thank you to Denise Wiseman for supporting efforts to build and deepen partnerships with like-minded organizations.
2024 Strategic Priorities have been defined.
Thank you to the Medicine Forward members who contributed to our strategic planning process in Q4 2023. The 2024 Strategic Plan, which will be refined and further developed in the coming months, focused on two main areas: Foundation and Innovation. All Medicine Forward members are welcome to review the plan, which is posted on our Mighty Networks platform. Please reach out if you’d like to help develop and implement our collective strategies.
We are raising our voices and pushing an advocacy agenda to improve health care for patients, physicians and all members of our community.
We continue our partnership with the All In / Lorna Breen Foundation and participate this month in a roundtable they are hosting.
We are in initial conversations to develop an audio documentary to highlight and combat issues that contribute to the burnout epidemic.
Our Next Gen Fellows have been making amazing progress on the medical school wellbeing scorecard project, in collaboration with All In / Breen Foundation, and PsychSign. A prototype will be piloted very soon.
We are actively working with a new organization called Healthcare Reinvention Collaborative. We are collaborating with Kern National Network for Flourishing in Medicine on how we can integrate some of our key strategies.
We look forward to increasing the impact of Medicine Forward and our partner organizations in standing up for the sacred physician-patient relationship and the transformation needed in healthcare to make that happen. Not a member? Join today!
Thank you,
Gabe Charbonneau, MD, Co-founder
Todd Otten, MD, Impact Officer
Lisa Scardina, Strategy and Implementation Officer
Share what you are doing and reach out to others to ask for help. Medicine Forward is first and foremost a community of support. We can connect each other to resources and ideas that will help each member be energized and find a great next step to make a positive difference. Use our Mighty Networks platform to connect or reach out via email at and please renew your annual membership to stay connected.
Love seeing this amazing progress. Let’s go!