A huge thank you to everyone who helped with Monday’s panel to fix prior auth! You’ve heard me say before that this is how it begins. This is us testing our model of: 1) listening to grassroots voices, 2) exploring opportunities for making a big impact, and 3) taking action together to disrupt what’s broken.
The event was well attended and clearly our speakers and audience were passionate about this topic. I loved Dr. Shikha Jain’s challenge to our organizations to value and protect the time it takes for advocacy. So grateful to Dr. Miranda Yaver, PhD for her research and insights, especially highlighting how prior auth discriminates against people who are Black, Hispanic, of lower socioeconomic status, or otherwise under resourced. Thanks to Dr. Robert Gluckman for helping us better understand the industry perspective, and that much leadership is needed from physicians to help co-create a better way of doing things. And, thank you to ACP & David Pugach, JD for helping us sort the signal from noise of where our advocacy is needed and can make a difference!
The panel may be done, but the time to roll up our sleeves to assist is just starting. The Sr’s Timely Access to Care Act needs our help getting passed through the Senate. There is a short window of time while Congress is in session, or we miss this opportunity and have to take steps backward and try again next year. I urge you to consider what this means. We need a win. We need to show that we can reclaim our agency to make a difference. We need to prove that we are not helpless to affect change. We need to show that we and our patients are worth fighting for.
As of this morning we have 34 people who have responded to our call to urge our Senators to PASS THIS BILL that already has broad bipartisan support. Let’s show what we’re made of and blow this up with everything we’ve got. Let's get this passed and get this win. Please take 2 minutes (literally) to send your emails, and please inspire your friends to do the same. Our first goal is 100 people emailing their Senators. Totally doable.
Current number of people who have emailed their Senators:
▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 34/100
Easy link to share to take action:
Thank you, and let’s go! 🚀