Health Workforce Well-Being: Action on Many Fronts
Bringing physicians together to stand up for the sacred patient-physician relationship
March 2024
Dear Medicine Forward Community,
Many thanks to our members for creating a community that is connected and active in transforming health care with a commitment to lift up the sacred relationship between physicians and patients.
Prescribe Hope
Medicine Forward has embarked on an amazing journey of healing through a groundbreaking audio documentary and grassroots legislative campaign to enact better state-based mental health protections for at-risk medical professionals and their families. Please donate to help us achieve our Phase 1 fundraising goal which will set Medicine Forward on a trajectory for significant growth and impact. Learn more.
Supporting the first Health Workforce Well-Being Day
As a Tier 1 Collaborator, Medicine Forward stands in solidarity with ALL IN: WellBeing First for Healthcare as we recognize this national observance on March 18. This is a day for action—it is time to support health worker well-being and expand evidence-informed solutions to make system-wide changes and transform cultures.
On March 19, all are welcome to join Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and ALL IN Wellbeing First For Healthcare for an amazing FREE event in Washington DC: “From Crisis to Transformation: Leading culture and operational improvements for the health care workforce of the future,” where leaders from across healthcare organizations — including health systems, universities, professional associations and more — will come together to discuss systems solutions to improve healthcare worker well-being. Register now.
Growing the Medicine Forward Movement
If you aren’t already a member, join Medicine Forward. This is a great way to connect with others who share a passion for peer support and transformation. Medicine Forward hosts virtual community meetings every other week to develop our shared agenda — and all members have access to our online portal to connect with others with similar interests or in similar geography.
Thank you to those who have expressed interest and/or nominated someone for the Medicine Forward board of directors. We have extended the timeline for board nominations and plan to announce our new, expanded board structure in May.
Meanwhile, our Traction Team meets bi-weekly to continue the work to grow the movement. We are currently seeking volunteers to help in the following areas: fundraising, grant writing, social media support, website support, event planning and more. Dedicating a few hours every week or month is a way to contribute to this growing national movement and meet like-minded colleagues.
Medicine Forward continues to build a robust network of individuals and other organizations with similar agendas to advocate for physician and provider well-being, create transformation that prioritizes sacred connections with patients, and demonstrate a deep commitment to health equity. National transformation is possible through a model of a network of networks — a shout out to the following organizations that serve as true partners in this work: Healthcare Reinvention Collaborative (check out their event on March 22 from 11 am-12pm PT), Kern National Network, ALL IN, ACP, Unlimited Boundaries, ICDs Healthcare Burnout Symposium, Amercian Medical Women’s Association, and PX Community.
Thank you to our members and donors — we are inspired by how this growing community is developing a vision and pathways to truly make a positive difference in the lives of physicians, providers, patients and every member of the care team.
For those not yet members, join today!
Thank you,
Gabe Charbonneau, MD, Co-founder
Todd Otten, MD, Impact Officer
Lisa Scardina, Strategy and Implementation Officer
Share what you are doing and reach out to others to ask for help. Medicine Forward is first and foremost a community of support. We can connect each other to resources and ideas that will help each member be energized and find a great next step to make a positive difference. Use our Mighty Networks platform to connect or reach out via email at and please renew your annual membership to stay connected.